Along the Road

Xochimilco and Zócalo

Two years ago we took our little family of 4 to Cancun, Mexico for a week after school got out in June. While we were there we connected with another family with young boys. The family lived in Mexico City and told us to let them know if we ever came to visit. We exchanged information and have kept in contact via social media. Today we got to see that family again and had the best morning! We went to Xochimilco and took a canal ride on the trajinera (long, colorful boat). The ride was about 2 hours. Along the way we saw swans, sheep, and dogs. There were vendors, mariachi musicians, and many people out celebrating special events. Getting there early was key, because it got crowded. The kids played so well together. It was a fantastic experience for all. It was so great to reconnect. Our friends were just the kindest hosts ever. Thank you for everything…we hope to return again.

Later in the day we went out to explore Zócalo which is the main plaza (la plaza de la constitución). It is the main square in Mexico City. We took an Uber to and from the hotel. At Zócalo you can find the cathedral and national palace. We also saw many indigenous people dancing, playing music, and preforming rituals with incense. The site has been important and sacred to the Aztec people for many years. We walked through the cathedral and listened to music in the square. Sunday was a busy day and there was a lot of activity. There are many museums of art, culture, and history and we hope to return to visit more of these places in the future. We are excited that Delta airlines just started direct flights from Minneapolis/ St. Paul to Mexico City.

Now, off to Peru….

2 Responses

  1. Rhys says that there is a Bubble-gum flavored cola in Peru that is awesome! 🙂

    1. We looked it up. It’s called Inca Cola. Tell Rhys we will buy some at the store tomorrow.

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