Along the Road

We ❤ NY!

After talking about it for months we finaly made it to NYC. We had planned on taking the kids for spring break but it didn’t work out. Instead we decided it would be a great way to kick off our trip around the world!

We slept in a bit on Tuesday due to our delayed flight and late arival. The four of us and Grandma Cathy then set out in search for breakfast. After lots of walking and little success we ended up eating cereal and bagels in a grocery store. We then walked down to check out the famous central park. The kids had a great time playing at the playground and on a horse drawn carriage ride through the park.

In the evening we took the hot, crowded rush hour subway ride to Yankee Stadium to watch the Yankees take on the Toronto Blue Jays, and we got to see the Yankees hit back-to-back homeruns to lead off the game. They ended up winning 4-3.
After the game we stopped at a delicatessen to sample some NY cheesecake and carrot cake. Both were delicious.

On Wednesday the kids worked on some Math and Reading homework in the morning while Chelsea did some schoolwork for her sabbatical. We headed out after that to get some NY thin crust pizza which was high on Coopers list of things to do.

Finally it was time to see Disney’s Frozen on Broadway! Cooper absolutely loved it as we thought he would since he loves music and singing so much. Mason had his moments but made it through unscathed. I think everyone’s favorite character was Sven the reindeer because his costume was so cool.

We ended the night by taking a long walk to Bryant park and got some Nathan’s hotdogs from a street cart and then walked back to Times square for some ice cream to end the night. We had to get up bright and early on Thursday morning to catch the subway to Battery Park. From there we took the ferry boat to the Statue of Liberty. Everybody thought it was really cool to see. Mason really wanted to take the steps up to the crown but was too short this time around and had to settle for the pedestal. It was pushing 90 degrees already and everyone said it was super hot on the way up to the crown so his shortness saved us this time!

Now, we are off to Mexico City!

5 Responses

  1. Don’t forget about the baseball diamond Mason made at the base of the Statue of Liberty!! Love the pics…. feels like I’m in your back pocket !! Keep ‘em coming and have safe travels in mèxico! Love you

  2. What a gift to give Cooper an Mason! Chelsea and Tom you have made a lot of sacrifices to be able to share this with the boys. Keep capturing their personal thoughts…one I remember from Cooper was “Can so many people and so much noise make people sick?”
    Miss you…

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