Along the Road

Second Quarter Plans

Its hard to believe a quarter of our trip is already over. We could not have loved being in South America any more! There is so much more to see and we could easily have spent the whole year here. We look forward to returning in the future.

After Buenos Aires, we will take a 13.5-hour flight to Auckland, New Zealand where we will stay for the month of October. It will be the kids first real test in long-distance flying. In New Zealand, we plan to live a little differently with a stay on a hobby farm with lots of animals about 45 minutes from the city. There is a ferry boat close to the cottage we are renting that will take us into Auckland and surrounding areas. We are also hoping to be able to fly down to the south island for a few days to check out Milford Sound.

At the end of October we take a quick 3 day trip to Sydney, Australia. We would have had a layover in either Sydney or Melbourne on our way to Adelaide. We choose to stop in Sydney and extend it a few days to show the kids the opera house, harbour bridge and a few other attractions. We traveled to Sydney about 10 years ago and are excited to go back.

On Halloween, we will travel to our next location. We rented an Airbnb in Adelaide, Australia for the month of November that is close to the beach. We have only been to eastern Australia so it will be nice to see the south part. Both Grandmas along with Chelsea’s sister Courtney will be joining us later in the month and will be there for Thanksgiving. Maybe we can track down a Turkey.

From Adelaide, we fly to the west coast. We will stay in Perth, Australia for the month of December. In Perth we rented a house in the suburbs. The Grandmas will be spending the first week with us in Perth before heading home. The kids are hopeful that Santa can find them down in Australia. I have a feeling Santa will be rather stingy this year due to luggage space.

Our plan is to head to Southeast Asia after that but it is very up in the air as to where we go at this point. Thanks for following us along the road through South America. We appreciate all of your support.

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