Along the Road

About Us

Hello and welcome our blog Along The Road!  We are the Jordan family. Tom, Chelsea, and our two sons, Cooper and Mason.  Our family has a love for travel, adventure, food, and photography.

Cooper our oldest son was born in 2011, and we discovered he had a rare genetic disorder. We have given Cooper every opportunity we can think of to better his life whether it be speech therapy, physical therapy, tutors, therapeutic horseback riding, swimming, adaptive sports, piano lessons or anything else that we think will help him along. Life can be hard for Cooper at times but he is one of the nicest kids you could ever hope to meet. Cooper is our go-with-the-flow, relaxed, chill kiddo.

In 2016, we sold our home and moved in with Chelsea’s family for a few years to save enough money to take a gap year to travel around the world with our kids. We want our kids to grow up global and to feel at home in the world. We want them to experience how people live in other parts of the world in an authentic way.

Three years later on July 4th of 2014, we had Mason. He is a spirited, energetic kid who loves playing sports.  Mason was diagnosed as a type 1 diabetic in January of 2019 which offers it’s own set of challenges. We are slowly learning how to manage this new life.  Chelsea and her sister are both type 1 Diabetics that were diagnosed at a very early age as well, so Mason is in good company.

If you feel inclined we have included a donate button below. Our budget will only get us so far and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for all of your support.

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