Along the Road

Sabbatical Approved!

What an opportunity! The public school district that I work for has a wonderful opportunity written into their teachers’ contract. It’s called a sabbatical. A sabbatical is a chance for teachers to take up to one full school year to focus on a plan of professional improvement which can include study, research, travel, and related professional activities.

As a family, we love to travel and experience different cultures. So about four or five years ago when we were deciding how we could share our love for learning, travel, and cultures with our kids, we decided that we would make a plan, a goal to experience a family “gap year.” This dream has not been easy. We sold our home (moved in with family), worked hard, saved money, sold off many possessions, found opportunities for our children to learn a foreign language, and traveled with them. There have been uncertainties along the way including Mason’s medical diagnosis and changes at work, but we are getting there.

Now, the plans are becoming a reality. My sabbatical has been approved. Flights are purchased. And the countdown has begun. In 67 days, we will begin our adventure. We are excited and anxious. We are so happy that we can use this blog as a way to connect and stay in touch with family and friends. Please follow our blog and “come along” with us.

2 Responses

  1. Where are you going? Sounds amazing and if you come to DC we will always have room for you guys! So exciting!

    1. We are starting in NYC for a few days and then flying to Mexico City for a few days after that at the end of June. From Mexico City we head to Lima, Peru for the month of July followed by Argentina and Chile for a month each. We will plan the next leg of our trip while in South America.

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