Along the Road

Pride and Pyramids

Today we went to visit Teotihuacan. We took an Uber (about 1 hour, $30 and arranged with the driver to wait and bring us back for $25). It was a great way to get there. Our driver dropped us off at near the Pyramid of the Sun. It was just after 9:00am and the place just opened. We weren’t sure how much the boys would be able to handle. The Pyramid of the Sun is the third largest pyramid. It is 248 steps some which are very steep and uneven. Teotihuacan’s history is fascinating, because it is still debated which civilization built these enormous structures. The earliest structures were estimated to be built in 200 BCE. The expansive group of buildings stretches over a city that was about 11.5 square miles. We are so proud of the boys and ourselves for making it to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun. It was a difficult climb and both adults were winded. Many of you know, but Cooper has been receiving physical therapy since he was 9 months old. Climbing this pyramid was a huge goal of his, and today he was determined and focused. We are so happy that he accomplished this feat. Congratulations, buddy!

We had a quick lunch at a restaurant near the US Embassy. Then as we were returning to our hotel, we came upon the Mexico City Gay Pride Parade. What an event! There were people everywhere, floats, glitter, color, and lots of spirit. It was an impromptu event to us that turned out to be incredible. We also had a great view of the whole thing from our hotel room once we went back. So fun!

After the parade, we relaxed in the room and Tom took the boys swimming at the hotel on the rooftop pool.

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