Along the Road

Peru: Week 2

People have asked how we are schooling the kids while abroad. We have a few math and reading resources, but we are also doing (almost) daily journal writing/drawing. With a little help sounding out words and reminders about leaving spaces, these are their words and their stories. This is what they wrote about today.

Here is Mason’s….

And here is Cooper’s…..Yes, we had the power shut off for 8 hours yesterday, and we were in the dark. Good thing we brought flashlights. We even had one that is a crank flashlight (no batteries needed) with radio and a siren. Thanks, Papa Harvey.

We have all been battling some colds and are a little under the weather. Remember we are in the southern hemisphere and it is “winter” here.We’ve spent most days exploring the neighborhood, finding cool parks to play at, and eating good food.

Here are some more photos from our last few days.

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