Along the Road

Food & Drink – Indonesia

The food in Indonesia was amazing! Australia and New Zealand had great food, but it was a little too familiar for us. There were many dishes that we had never heard of. We enjoyed trying new things and finding new favorites. The word Goreng means fried which you will find in a lot of their dishes. Here are a few of the meals, snacks, and drinks that we tried during our time in Bali.

Nasi Goreng – translates to fried rice. We love rice and this was no exception. We had it several times. It often came in a crispy or flaky edible bowl.

Mie Goreng – fried noodles. This was one of our staples while in Bali. You could add any type of protein, but we stuck to plain and chicken. We had this meal at breakfast, lunch, and dinner at one point or another during our stay.

Babi Gouling- otherwise known as suckling pig. We tracked down a restaurant in Ubud called Ibu Oka for this famous dish. The pulled meat off of a young pig was delicious and had quite a bit of spice to it with the sauce that came on it. Our driver Andy suggested it. We were glad he did; it turned out to be a great experience. According to Andy, this dish can only be found in Bali.

Sate Babi Tajen – marinated grilled pork skewers with rice and vegetables.

Ayam Kalasan – Indonesia spicy fried chicken. It was so good with the spices and sauces. Holy cow was it spicy though!

Babi Goreng Sambel Matah – fried pork covered in a spicy radish salsa.

Pisang Goreng – this is a wildly popular dessert in Indonesia. It is battered bananas that are deep-fried and then dusted with brown sugar. What’s not to love? These would be great at the state fair on a stick!

Banana Rum Raisen – this was so good. It had crumbled ginger cookies on top of the warm bananas soaked in the rum raisin sauce.

Prawn crackers – these are a popular appetizer or side with a lot of meals. They are made from a deep-fried prawn and starch combination. The kids could not get enough of them. They did not have much flavor in our opinion.

McDonald’s fried chicken and rice – like in Peru the McDonald’s in Bali had pretty good fried chicken. This time it came with an omelet and rice. The whole meal only cost around $2 which was nice on the budget. We also tried the beef prosperity burger in hope of good fortune.

Milk Tea Kit Kat – we had to try it since we love Kit Kats and milk tea. We didn’t enjoy the candy that much but it was fun to try.

Salt and Seaweed Pringles – another local favorite addition from Pringles. They were surprisingly really good. Of course, the kids loved any kind of crunchy chip. Notice on the bottom of the can that potato chips can cause hypertension, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

Kopi Luwak coffee – Kopi luwak is made from coffee cherries that have been eaten, digested, pooped out by the Asian palm civet and then processed into coffee beans. It is said to be the most expensive coffee in the world, although we only paid $4 for a cup. We bought into the hype and had to try it. It was good strong coffee and paired really well with the Pisang Goering.

Bintang Beer – the local favorite. We really enjoyed the orange and lemon flavors. Lychee flavored beer from Anker was another one of our favorites.

Bottled Thai Tea – We come across bottled Thai tea for the first time. Thai tea is one of our favorite drinks. Especially as bubble tea. We were pretty excited when we came across this in the convenience store. Unfortunately, it tasted like a chocolate protein drink that you would drink after a workout. Hopefully, we can find different brands as we travel across Asia.

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