Along the Road

Food & Drink – Chile

We had lots of great food during our time here in Chile along with some new drinks and lots of wine! Thanks again to Antonia and her family for having us over for lomo saltado as well. Here are a few of our favorite things from our month on Chile.

1. Empenadas – just like in Peru empanadas are big in Chile. Our favorite kind in Chile was one of the local favorites shrimp and cheese. A few of the restaurants let you choose if you wanted them baked or fried. Not surprisingly fried was hands down the best.

2. Chorrillana – A Chilean favorite dish. Basically french fries topped with anything you can think of. We got several variations mainly with meat fried egg and carmelized onions. It’s a great sharing dish.

3. Completos – this is a hot dog loaded with guacamole, tomatoes and mayonnaise. They were quite messy but delicious.

4. Terremotos – A favorite drink in Chile which translates to earthquake since they knock you off your feet. We had several along with the actual earthquake we felt in Santiago. This drink contains pineapple icecream, grenadine and pipeno wine.

5. Mote con Huesillos – a non alcoholic drink. It has peaches cooked in sugar and cinnamon creating sweet syrup. Fresh cooked husk wheat is also included and eaten with a spoon while you drink the liquid. It was a nice refreshing drink.

6. Viño – When in Chile you have to drink lots of wine right? We spent many evenings on our balcony overlooking the ocean drinking great wine from local vineyards.

7. Chilean sea bass – we figured since we were in Chile we needed to try their famous fish dish. It was a white flaky fish. We were not very impressed with the restaurant but over all the fish was really good.

8. Tres leches granola bars – we know this sounds weird but we would walk to a grocery store further away just to get these. We stocked up before leaving Chile.

9. McKay cookies – These cookies reminded us of girl scout cookies. We tried several kinds but thought the Limón ones were the best! Coco were a close second.

10. Super 8 candy bars – This candy bar is made in Chile. It is a wafer cookie covered in chocolate. Muy delicioso!

11. Mono rolls cereal – the kids breakfast of choice for most of the month. Chocolate cereal with chocolate balls.

12. Tuttiarandano – the kids loved this juice which came in several flavors. They called it tutti juice and thought it was hilarious.

One Response

  1. This looks so fun! One of our favorites is to find local foods. Thanks for your great updates!

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