Along the Road

Food & Drink – Argentina

Living in the heart of the big city had its advantages when it came to food. There was not only a restaurant directly below us but 3 more across the street. In any direction we walked, we passed several more establishments. Argentina has not only some of the best meats in the world but also some of the best pasta, pizza, and hamburgers. We ate out at least once a day for the whole month due to our proximity to so many restaurants. Also prices are very cheap currently in Argentina with the current economic climate. Here are some of our favorites…

1. Dulche de Leche – it is amazing how popular this caramel like spread is. Argentinians seem to put it on everything. There was even a cook book with hundreds of recipes and a store called casa De Dulce de Leche.

2. Mate – this is a caffeinated tea like drink. Once we figured out what it was we noticed that almost everyone was drinking it. At first we thought it was for vaping. You pack the bowl full of Yerba mate leaves and then add hot water. You then drink it out of a metal straw called a bombilla that has a strainer on the end of it.

3. Alfajores – a very popular cookie with all kinds of fillings. Most popular being Dulce de Leche. They were all over the place. Good but we thought they were a little dry. Algajores are often served with a cup of flavored coffee. Tom’s new favorite is a dulce de leche macchiato.

4. Pizza – Argentina is know as the pizza capital of South America. We went to several different pizza joints around the city. The fugazzeta pizza originated in Buenos Aires. It consists of cheese sandwiched between two pizza doughs and then it is topped with onions. Our favorite was the fugazzeta pizza from Pizzeria Guërrin. It was so good. We will definitely have to come back for the pizza some day!

5. Empenadas – They made our list for the third time because they are just that good. The ones in Argentina were smaller and very affordable. This Ham and Cheese one also from Pizzeria Güerrin may have been the best of all of them!

6. Asado – although we didn’t have as much steak as we would have liked the ones we did have were incredible. We agree Argentina has really great beef!

7. Ñoquis (Gnocchi) – The ñoquis in Buenos Aires was second only to Italy. We had it at least 4 or 5 times. Argentinians like it so much that they even have a special day to eat it each month. Dia de Ñoquis is on the 29th of each month. A lot of restaurants that don’t normally serve ñoquis have it as a special on their menus on the 29th. Another favorite for pasta was the pumpkin ravioli.

8. Sándwich de Milanesa – breaded cutlets of different meats with all sorts of different toppings. They were on almost every menu and were another food cheap meal.

9. Tostados – basically a smooshed grilled ham and cheese sandwich with the crusts cut off. They were everywhere and eaten by everyone. The kids loved them and they made for a nice cheap meal.

10. Medialunas de manteca – sweet croissants that are in all of the bakeries and cafes. They were so good. Definitely worth stopping to pick some up!

11. Lemonada con mint y jengibre – lemonade with muddled mint and ginger. A very popular drink around the city. They were so refreshing. We had them on many occasions.

12. Hamburgers – when you claim to have the best beef in the world odds are the hamburgers will be really good. We put this theory to the test several times and it checked out. According to Tom this one at Bakano was one of the best he has had. He would know because he used to have a blog about hamburgers.

13. Panqueque de Dulce de Leche – a very popular dessert in Argentina. It was very similar to a crepe that was loaded with Dulce de Leche. Very good but also very rich.

14. Jugo de Pomelo – pomelo flavored water that tasted like grapefruit juice. We had this with almost every meal. Several companies sold variations but we liked Aquarius the best.

One Response

  1. When I was there I definitely was a fan of the lemonada con mint y jengibre. Once I had it I think I tried it in every restaurant. One other delicious drink was the yogurt milk for breakfast. Cooper introduced me to peach. And thinking of drinks, Argentinian beers and wines were a treat.
    Also, the pancakes with berries…yum. There were lots of “yums” 😊

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