Along the Road

Cooper’s Corner #1

Throughout our travels we are hoping that our 8-year-old, Cooper, can update you with his thoughts and insights about travel, learning, and life. This first week I sat down with him for a brief interview. Check it out:

Mom: ” What are we doing as a family this year?”

Cooper: “Going around the world.”

Mom: ” What do people say when you tell them about our plans?”

Cooper: “Whoa that’s cool.”

Mom: “What do you think will be the most fun part of the trip?”

Cooper: “Eating all the food there. Mom, are we going to eat all of the food in the world?”

Mom: “No, not all the food. Goof ball. Hey, What are you most nervous about?”

Cooper: “Nothing. Well, a little bit nervous about Mason screaming.”

Mom: “What kind of transportation do you want to take?”

Cooper: “A plane, a taxi, a train, and a helicopter.”

Mom: “Where do you think we should go visit?”

Cooper: “New York, Teotihuacan, China, and the Eiffel Tower.”

Mom: “Cooper, what are you going to miss the most?”

Cooper: “My grandmas, Papas, Dr. Courtney, and my class.”

7 Responses

  1. We are going to miss seeing your sweet smile, Cooper! You are an important person to Nolan. We are so happy and excited for your family. We will be praying for you all as you travel. ❤️
    Love, The Pearson Family

  2. Coop I will miss seeing your beautiful smile.
    Have an amazing time. 😍

  3. Enjoy the many adventures “Along the Road” and keep sharing, love you guys!

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